10 Perfect Facts About The Princess Bride From Rob Reiner

Rob Reiner spoke to a crowd of fans at the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences about the experience of filming The Princess Bride. He told of casting and special effects and how a little bit of Spinal Tap ended up on the set. And the time he was approached by one of John Gotti’s men.

Reiner: Yeah, I walked outside the restaurant, and John Gotti was there with six wiseguys. There was a guy beside the limo who looked like Luca Brasi. He looked at me, and said: “You killed my father…Prepare to die!” I almost went right then! He said, “I love dat movie, da Princess Bride!”

Read the rest, illustrated with appropriate images and gifs from the movie, at Uproxx. Link

via Neatorama http://www.neatorama.com/2013/08/18/10-Perfect-Facts-We-Learned-About-The-Princess-Bride-From-Rob-Reiner/