A Brief Google Outage Made Total Internet Traffic Drop By 40%

So, Google suffered a power outage on Friday evening. Old news, you may say. But that small act, where all of its services––that’s YouTube, Gmail, Google Search, Google Drive––were unreachable for a few minutes, cut Internet traffic by 40%. That is an amazing figure.

The LEDs went out in Googleland, so to speak, at around 4:37 p.m. PST, and the blackout lasted for anything between one and five minutes, according to Google’s Apps Dashboard––you can see a screenshot of its red–light status below.

According to analytics firm GoSquared, the five minutes of downtime caused a drop in traffic of 40%, before spiking “as users managed to get to their destination.”

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via Fast Company http://www.fastcompany.com/3015942/most-innovative-companies-2013/a-brief-google-outage-made-total-internet-traffic-drop-by-40?partner=rss