Housewife sells yard

Former Bravo star Kelly Bensimon’s yard sale — in the parking lot of Hamptons hot spot Georgica on Saturday afternoon — offered everything from beds handmade…

via NY Post: Page Six

The Teaser for Season 3 of Girls Is All Instagrammed Bikini Shots

Behind the scenes footage of Girls third season is the name of the game in this trailer for its 2014 return.

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via Jezebel

WaPo’s Rubin to Pexton: ‘Hahahahahahaha’

WaPo’s ex-Ombudsman Patrick Pexton had some raw advice for the publication’s new owner Jeff Bezos in a story for Washington City Paper this week. Among his suggestions: Fire right-wing blogger Jennifer Rubin. He whined about how terrible he thinks she is, and said he received more complaints about her than anyone — because that’s exactly what newspaper publishers don’t want in a writer, to make waves and increase web traffic, right?

We asked for her reaction. Her response to FBDC? “Hahahahahahaha.”

An excerpt from Pexton’s column in WCP:

“Jennifer Rubin. Have Fred Hiatt, your editorial page editor—who I like, admire, and respect—fire opinion blogger Jennifer Rubin. Not because she’s conservative, but because she’s just plain bad. She doesn’t travel within a hundred miles of Post standards. She parrots and peddles every silly right-wing theory to come down the pike in transparent attempts to get Web hits. Her analysis of the conservative movement, which is a worthwhile and important beat that the Post should treat more seriously on its national pages, is shallow and predictable. Her columns, at best, are political pornography; they get a quick but sure rise out of the right, but you feel bad afterward.” — …Rubin was the No. 1 source of complaint mail about any single Post staffer while I was ombudsman, and I’m leaving out the organized email campaigns against her by leftie groups like Media Matters.”

(Note to Rubin: We’ve always enjoyed your nerviness. To bring Media Matters into the argument–even while “leaving them out”–only muddies Pexton’s argument. They are big on email campaigns, small on thought. Of course they live to hate bloggers like you — that’s called breathing over at MMFA HQ.)

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via FishbowlDC

The GOP’s Boycott of CNN and NBC News Is On

The Republican National Committee is following through on its threat to boycott CNN and NBC News by refusing to participate in the networks’ primary debates if they don’t scrap a planned Hillary Clinton documentary and miniseries. Time obtained the full non-binding resolution on the boycott, which is expected to pass easily when put to a vote Friday at the RNC’s Summer Meeting. Priebus told Time that the last paragraph is the most important bit, suggesting (as many have surmised) that the RNC’s shock and disappointment that news outlets – or rather their unrelated entertainment and documentary divisions – would show bias toward a particular candidate or political party isn’t entirely genuine.

It states that the party “shall endeavor to bring more order to the primary debates and ensure a reasonable number of debates, appropriate moderators and debate partners are chosen, and that other issues pertaining to the general nature of such debates are addressed.” The RNC is drafting formal rules on the debates, which may include severe penalties for candidates who go rouge and participate in unsanctioned events. Why subject Republican candidates to twenty debates when you can have a handful of dignified exchanges on a fair and balanced network like Fox News?

Read more posts by Margaret Hartmann

Filed Under: reince priebus
,early and awkward
,gop boycott

via Daily Intelligencer

Weiner Causing ‘Irritation’ Inside Hillary’s Camp…

Weiner Causing ‘Irritation’ Inside Hillary’s Camp…

via – All Stories

Non-Clinton Dems ask: Why not me?

For non-Clinton Democrats, exploring the 2016 election is an exercise in futility, at least for now.

via POLITICO – TOP Stories

Al Jazeera America faces more than the usual new-kid challenges

Al Jazeera America launches Tuesday with an in-depth, hard-news approach; obstacles include limited distribution, lingering bitterness.

The combination of Al Jazeera and America doesn’t exactly sound like a match made in Heaven, or Jannah for that matter.


via L.A. Times – Entertainment News,0,6232896.story?track=rss

Bradley Manning expected to speak in court Wednesday, “my problem” email surfaces in trial

Today at the court-martial of Pfc. Bradley Manning, the former intelligence analyst who provided Wikileaks with hundreds of thousands of classified government documents, Former Master Sergeant Paul David Adkins testified.


via Boing Boing

How America’s ‘Culture of Hustling’ Is Dark and Empty

David Masciotra in The Atlantic: One of America’s worst crimes, according to cultural historian and social critic Morris Berman, is the cultivation of a “culture of hustling.” Hustling—the surrender of everything to market forces and the sacrifice of life to…

via 3quarksdaily

Study: Half who now buy own health plan to get aid

WASHINGTON (AP) — About half the people who now buy their own health insurance — and potentially would face higher premiums next year under President Barack Obama’s health care law — would qualify for federal tax credits to offset rate shock, according to a new private study.

via Yahoo! News – Latest News & Headlines